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Hiccup’s recalling of how he had found the King’s Things had reminded the Vikings of the past, and they began to swap tales of when Hiccup had saved their lives. ‘Hiccup saved my life three times, when I was captured by the Romans, the Berserks, and the Witch…’ boasted Camicazi. ‘He saved mine when we were on that cliff-face at the Flashburn School of Swordfighting!’ called out a young Hooligan. And others called out: ‘Me too! Me too! Me too!’ ‘And ours when we were about to be fed to the


Beast of Berserk,’ said the Ten Fiancés. ‘Hiccup saved us when the Green Death was terrorising the Isle of Berk,’ cried a Meathead. ‘And Hiccup saved US when we were trapped on the Isle of Hysteria by the Doomfang…’ shouted a Hysteric. ‘And he saved ALL OF US when that plague of Exterminators descended on the Archipelago during the long hot summer when the volcano exploded…
’ yelled a Hooligan. There is a moment in the affairs of humans that is rather like the turning of the tides, or the changing of the wind. One minute everything seems to be going full-flood and full-blast in one direction. And then something happens, a single voice like Fishlegs speaks in what sounds like the voice of Destiny, the world hangs in the balance, there is a moment of pause…