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’ gasped the crowd. ‘It’s a good point… Hiccup does speak Dragonese… that’s a very unusual skill…’ ‘Don’t be impressed!’ hissed the Witch. ‘Alvin can speak Dragonese just as well as the Hiccup-boy. And Hiccup hasn’t harnessed the power of Thor’s thunder, apart from anything else, that wouldn’t be possible…’ ‘Yes he has!’ argued Fishlegs hotly. ‘One time when Norbert the Nutjob chased Hiccup up the mast of the ship we were sailing, Hiccup got one of Thor’s lightning bolts to strike Norbert’s axe of Doom at absolutely the right moment!’* Harnessing Thor’s thunder! That was quite something, wasn’t it? ‘Well if that is all harnessing Thor’s thunder is, anyone could do it!’ raged the Witch. ‘All you have to


do is go out in a storm carrying something pointy!’ But nobody was listening. ‘I remember, that lightning-bolt was when Hiccup went to the Land-that-doesn’t-exist and rescued us from slavery!’ called out a little Wanderer named Bearcub from the back of the crowd. ‘I was there! That was when Hiccup saved my life!’ ‘And mine, he saved mine too!’ shouted his elder sister Eggingarde, and a chorus of other Wanderer voices. ‘And mine! And mine! And mine!’ ‘Oh no!’ hissed the Witch, looking round anxiously at the crowd. Oh no…