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he is crowned in an hour’s time, we Guardians will be released from ninety-nine years of bondage, ninety-nine years of imprisonment on this island. Free!’ The blind Axeman’s voice was hoarse with longing. ‘Free from this island cage… free to roam the seas and skies of the Archipelago and wander where we will… And I shall take off my blindfold and see the wonder of the world around me for the very first time, and gasp to see the beauty of the things that I can only smell and touch!’ ‘That’s wonderful,’ said Hiccup. ‘It is wonderful,’ agreed the Axeman. ‘And I’m sure you deserve it,’ said Hiccup. ‘You’re a nice polite boy,’ said the blind Axeman. ‘And politeness is underestimated as a good quality in a King. But if we have a King already on the island, it follows just as night follows day, that you cannot be the King as well. ‘Show me the Things,’ said the blind Axeman. Hiccup swallowed again. His teeth were chattering, but whether from cold or fear, he did not know. ‘Yes, I’m afraid I don’t have any of the Things right now,’ he admitted. ‘But the little brown dragon – the one I was just telling you about – he told me there