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The sand was indeed a little spooky. It appeared to be singing. An unearthly, terrifying song, that seemed to come from another world. A song that hissed and hummed with menace. Hiccup broke into a shambling run, panting hard, and crying, and he had nearly made it to the edge of the beach when, to his absolute horror… Three yards in front of him, a colossal figure stepped out from behind a ROCk.
Hiccup stopped dead with shock. The figure was huge, and hooded, and his arms were crossed. He strode towards Hiccup, one, two, three steps, and threw back his hood. His face was as stern and unyielding as a granite cliff, and he was blindfolded. He drew a gigantic axe from his belt, and he held it directly above Hiccup’s head, as if he could actually see Hiccup despite the blindfold. ‘I am a Guardian of Tomorrow,’ roared the blind Axeman. ‘I, and my father, and my father’s father, and my father’s father’s father, have for nearly a century guarded these shores from those who are unworthy. ‘ONLY THE ONE WITH THE KING’S LOST THINGS CAN LAND ON TOMORROW AND LIVE. ‘Who are you who dares to risk Death by Airy Oblivion by landing on our beach?’ Hiccup swallowed. ‘Death by Airy Oblivion’ didn’t sound good. ‘I think my name is Hiccup,’ said Hiccup. Out in the bay between Hero’s End and Tomorrow, the Deadly Shadow was flying as fast as it could towards the beach, for now even Camicazi was a little worried that Hiccup might not have a plan.