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‘Who is Hiccup talking to?’ shouted Camicazi. ‘That must be one of the human Guardians of Tomorrow,’ said Fishlegs. ‘There are hundreds of them posted all along the coast of this island. Oh dear oh dear oh dear…
Remember when we saw those Dragon Guardians of Tomorrow ROCKETING out from underneath the sands yesterday? Isn’t there some horrible saying like: “Only the One with the King’s Lost Things Can Land on Tomorrow and Live”? Can you go any faster, Shadow?’ ‘We’re flying… as… fast… as… we… can…’ snorted Innocence. ‘Are you saying you are He-Who-Would-Be-King?’ barked the blind Axeman. ‘I believe so,’ said Hiccup uncertainly. ‘That is what I was told by this small brown dragon who said his name was the Wodensfang, I don’t know if you know him?’ The Axeman shook his head. Hiccup was gabbling slightly, because he was so frightened. ‘That same brown dragon gave me reason to believe that there may be some kind of ruined city on this island. Would you possibly mind showing me the way?’ The blind Axeman looked impassively down at him, with his blank blindfolded face. His axe was still raised, which wasn’t a good sign. ‘The thing is,’ said the Axeman, ‘we already have a man on the island who has passed the Test. And when