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‘Thank you,’ he said, gratefully. ‘Now if you could just show me the way to the ruined—’ ‘I’m sorry,’ said the Axeman regretfully. ‘Truly sorry, for you are only a boy, and a nice polite boy at that.’ The Axeman lifted his arms up so that they spread out like bats’ wings, and he shouted up to the stormy sky: ‘BUT… ‘Only the One With The Kings Lost Things Can Land on Tomorrow And Live…
’ This didn’t look good. ‘COME GREAT POWERS OF DEATH AND DARKNESS! COME MIGHTY PROTECTORS OF TOMORROW ACROSS THE AGES! COME DRAGON GUARDIANS AND TAKE THIS UNWORTHY BOY AND GIVE HIM DEATH BY AIRY OBLIV-I-I-ION!’ ‘NO!’ screamed Camicazi, as the Deadly Shadow flew as fast as it possibly could towards the beach.


All around Hiccup the sand began to bubble. He looked around himself, appalled. That sand… that sand that earlier had seemed alive, now gave birth to creatures of indescribable horror. Who knows what they were, dragons or monsters or something worse. They were so huge and so swift and so deadly it was impossible to see
them. They burst from the sand like some alien force, shrieking otherworldly vengeance, and they took hold of the screaming, terrified Hiccup, and they shot up into the air like great grim shooting stars, carrying him up, up UP, to drown him in the upper atmosphere.