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2023-06-14散文分享英语阅读训练 来源:百合文库
她没有说话。我心想,是不是我的话触动了她,或者说她认为我是- -个浪漫的傻瓜。然后我犯了一个错误。“外面怎样?”我问。
She didn't talk. I wondered if my words touched her, or did she think I was a romantic fool. And then I made a mistake. "how's it going out there?" I asked.
She doesn't seem to feel anything wrong. Did she see I was blind? But her next question dispelled my doubts.


"Why don't you see for yourself?" She's natural.
Part 2
我沿着铺位敏捷地移到窗边。窗开着,我面对着窗口,假装在研究外面的风景。在心里,我可以看见电线杆和树一闪而过。“你注意到 了吗?”我大胆地说,“树木似乎 在移动,而我们没动?
I moved quickly along the berth to the window. The window was open, and I looked at the window and pretended to be studying the scenery outside. In my heart, I can see the pole and the tree flashing by. "have you noticed?" I boldly said, "the trees seem to be moving, and we're not moving?"

