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Chapter 12 The Remains of Barren Hills (II)(13)

2023-06-14 来源:百合文库
 “There is a fracture in the upper superior angle of the thyroid cartilage.” I calmly said what I saw, and forensic Larry recorded it awkwardly.

Chapter 12 The Remains of Barren Hills (II)

 “Yes, the murderer pinched the neck of the deceased with one hand, fixed the deceased on a regular edged object, and hit the deceased’s head with a blunt weapon with the other hand.” Master habitually began to rebuild the scene. “Why didn’t you find this?”
 “It’s not the cause of death to pinch the neck. It’s no use, is it?” Forensic Larry was still muttering cunning.
 “No use?” Master said, “One hand can fix an adult and break the thyroid cartilage of the deceased with the palm of one hand. What does that mean?” Master said, “It shows that the murderer’s strength is very different from that of the deceased. He should be a young man, right?”

Chapter 12 The Remains of Barren Hills (II)
