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Chapter 12 The Remains of Barren Hills (II)(12)

2023-06-14 来源:百合文库
I nodded, removed the sternum that covered the chest, and examined it carefully in the corpse’s chest.
The chest organs of the deceased were arranged neatly in the chest without any damage. I looked up at Master, who was working to clean up his abdominal organs in a smelly, messy abnodinal cavity. A simple look showed that the first autopsy of the county forensic doctors apparently did not observe the abdominal organs carefully, because when Master turned out the intestinal tube located inside of the corpse, we could also see the leaves sticking to the intestinal tube. Obviously, when the body was pulled out of the dry ditch, the viscera was pulled out of the body and adhered to it. The first autopsy did not clear and clean the viscera.

Chapter 12 The Remains of Barren Hills (II)

The trachea of the deceased was removed as a whole. I found that the hyoid bone of the deceased had no fracture, but the soft tissue of the middle part of the neck seemed to have some bleeding. I carefully separated the thyroid cartilage of the deceased and found that there was a distinct fracture in the upper corner of the thyroid cartilage.