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HP Questions Upon Re-reading: Book 1 Chapter 2 & 3(2)

Upon re-reading the chapters, I had a weird feeling. It is a fact that the Dursleys treated Harry in a miserable way. But no matter how badly Harry was treated, he was still offered a home to live in and provided the most basic living necessities. The spell that Lily cast grants him protection while staying with the Dursleys (specifically, Aunt Petunia). So, what if, Aunt Petunia trying to “stomp out” the abnormalities that Harry display is out of fear that he might become a wizard and return to the wizarding world, dying a miserable death as her sister. 

HP Questions Upon Re-reading: Book 1 Chapter 2 & 3

I personally think that the third chapter has a strange plot. Why would the Hogwarts personal enchant the acceptance letter and have it delivered daily in a highly unproductive way instead of sending a teacher to fetch Harry, seeing that his enrolling into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is by default and the Dursley have no say in it? If Professor Dumbledore really thinks of Harry as such an important role in defeating Voldemort later, surely, he can fetch Harry himself? It would undoubtedly be a lot easier seeing that both Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon knew him from the letter he left with Harry. That being said, it is funny imagining Uncle Vernon tearing up or chucking hundreds of letters into the fire while the hotel owner stares weirdly at him. I would probably keep one of the letters if I am the owner. It’s not like you will ever receive this quantity of letter in a month, let alone a day.