‘In twenty-four hours, when this King is crowned, we shall be let loose from ninety-nine years of bondage! We shall be free to roam the skies and seas of the Archipelago, on airy careless wings and feet, with no limit, no boundary, no limitation…
‘And I,’ and here the Guardian’s voice really did crack, ‘I shall be able to take off this bandage that lies across my eyes at last, and see the shining colours of this Archipelago, as bright and new as if freshly painted!’
Something extraordinary happened next.
All around the Guardian’s outstretched arms, the sand began to sing.
The Alvinsmen were too busy celebrating to notice, and the Dragonmarker prisoners-of-war too depressed.
But the Singing Sands of the Ferryman’s Gift were singing once again.
It was as if each little grain of sand were rubbing against its neighbour, like a million happy crickets singing a joyful hymn of praise.
‘And I,’ and here the Guardian’s voice really did crack, ‘I shall be able to take off this bandage that lies across my eyes at last, and see the shining colours of this Archipelago, as bright and new as if freshly painted!’
Something extraordinary happened next.
All around the Guardian’s outstretched arms, the sand began to sing.
The Alvinsmen were too busy celebrating to notice, and the Dragonmarker prisoners-of-war too depressed.
But the Singing Sands of the Ferryman’s Gift were singing once again.
It was as if each little grain of sand were rubbing against its neighbour, like a million happy crickets singing a joyful hymn of praise.