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He took up the smashed ticking-thing. He held it to his ear. It was still ticking: a broken, tiny, valiant tick. 
He took the cover off the cage that contained Toothless. 
He took a struggling, weeping Toothless out of his cage, and he examined him carefully, even gently putting his finger for a moment into Toothless’s mouth to feel his gums. He did not jump or pull away when Toothless bit him hard enough to cause a wound that bled profusely. 


‘T-T-Toothless not belong to Alvin,’ wept Toothless. ‘Toothless is H-H-Hiccup’s dragon…’ 
‘It does not matter who you belong to,’ said the Guardian, and the witch started, for the Druid Guardian was speaking to the little dragon in Dragonese. ‘All that matters is who has brought you here. 
‘Sleep now, little dragon,’ said the Druid Guardian. Poor Toothless had been so upset and hysterical about being kidnapped that he had not slept at all that night, but when the Guardian spoke in that calm, hypnotic tone, he yawned and fell instantly to sleep, as suggestible as the Hogfly. 

