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‘After ninety-nine years of failure, ninety-nine years of searching, ninety-nine years of guarding the isle of Tomorrow, the Things are REAL! The Impossible Task has been completed!’ 
The Alvinsmen on the beach erupted with excitement. 
The witch burst into tears. 
She threw herself into Alvin’s arms, punching the air with one emaciated skinny fist. ‘I knew it!’ she screamed, beside herself with triumph. ‘I knew it!


‘Twenty years…’ panted the witch, ‘twenty years imprisoned inside that tree trunk, that little circle of hell. Twenty years I sang my spells, I mixed my poisons, I wove my tapestries of destiny out of rat guts and mice bones. Twenty years of longing, dreaming and murdering for you to be King… and you will be! MY ALVIN IS THE KING!’ 
‘GUARDIAN PROTECTORS OF TOMORROW!’ called the Guardian in a great joyful bellow, addressing the Guardians, those dragons-or-something-else lurking beneath the Singing Sands. 

