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‘I can assure you, you most certainly are,’ said the witch. 
‘You are going to tell me where your mother and the rest of the Dragonmarkers are hiding, or else I am going to lower you down into this freezing water, wrapped in chains, and leave you down there until you see sense, or you drown, whichever is the sooner.’ 
‘I will never betray my friends,’ said Hiccup, really, really hoping that this was true. 


‘You heard him, he said NEVER!’ said Alvin. 
‘Never is a long word,’ replied the witch. ‘The Winterfleshers have gathered, so Hiccup will not only have freezing water to contend with, but the bite of Winterfleshers. Winterfleshers are small but they are deadly in packs, and they will certainly attack a chained child.’ 
Winterfleshers were small but unpleasant dragons, a little like piranhas. When they attacked in shoals they could strip a deer down to its skeleton in precisely three minutes. 

