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渣翻:火花(Sparks) 雅文战役中金色2号德克斯(Dex)的故事(14)

2023-06-13星球大战星战小说 来源:百合文库

渣翻:火花(Sparks) 雅文战役中金色2号德克斯(Dex)的故事

“Find me something else to blow up, Sparks,” he said, and the droid fed him the coordinates for a deflector tower.
He slammed the stick down and closed on the tower, flying straight into a spray of fire from a turbolaser. He spun the ship, dancing between the ionized lines, while Sparks whooped. He sprayed the turbolaser with his cannons, took it out, and turned hard at the deflector tower. He locked on, fired, and watched it blossom into flame.

渣翻:火花(Sparks) 雅文战役中金色2号德克斯(Dex)的故事
