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whispered to the Wodensfang, as the two little dragons crouched at the crack of Hiccup’s waistcoat. ‘We gotta go, W-w-wodensfang the Desperado… We’re c-c-cornered…’ ‘Fly!’ whispered Hiccup in Dragonese, and the Wodensfang and Toothless burst out of Hiccup’s waistcoat like twin humming-birds, Toothless giving out little bursts of fire, pe-ow pe-ow pe-ow, like he was trying to shoot his way out. But the Hairy Scary Librarian was standing just next to Hiccup, and he was just as fast with his left hand as he was with his right. He drew those amber- nets from his belt quick as lightning, just as he used to draw his Heart-Slicer swords. (He used to


use swords, but nets were his new thing.) Flick flick, went the Hairy Scary Librarian’s amber-nets, and he caught the Wodensfang with his left net and Toothless with his right, tied the ends of the nets up nice and tight and presented them to Alvin with a low cringing bow. Toothless and the Wodensfang howled in horror, for dragons are wild creatures, and nothing upsets them more than being trapped. And then the Librarian turned to Hiccup and narrowed his eyes. ‘Never cross a Librarian,’ spat the Hairy Scary Librarian with venom, his voice like broken glass. ‘For Librarians are patient, and they can wait for their revenge…