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‘But I can kill something, surely? I can kill Hiccup,’ said Alvin, cheering up. ‘Please, let me kill Hiccup, Mother. He’s not a Lost Thing.’ ‘He’s the finder of the King’s Lost Things, though,’ said the witch. ‘Of course you can kill Hiccup, Alvin, my darling, and you’ll do a lovely creative job of it, I know. But you’ll just have to postpone that pleasure until he’s found us the last Lost Thing, the Jewel…
‘The little rat draws the Lost Things to him like he’s a little Lost-Thing magnet, rot him… We just have to motivate him properly, and luckily I am very good at motivating children.’ Ooh dear, shivered Hiccup, now completely petrified. This doesn’t sound too great… The Hairy Scary Librarian interrupted with an apologetic cough, cringing before the witch, and wiping his mouth with the end of his beard. ‘Talking of motivation, I believe you offered freedom to any slave who brought you the little thieving magpie who is the Traitor of the Wilderwest. My Library is waiting for me, I’ve have been gone from it too long. freedom, witch, freedom. I claim my freedom.’ freedom. Again, it was pathetic to see how the crowds of slaves leaned forward eagerly. ‘freedom…