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crowd of Warriors and slaves of the Wilderwest, hundreds and hundreds deep, all on their sand-yachts, all heavily armed with knives and swords and daggers, and axes and long-bows and clubs, and all of these weapons were pointed directly at Hiccup. The witch wasn’t taking any chances. One big guy was even aiming one of those massive rocket launcher Thingummies at Hiccup. Not to mention a whole row of soldiers with their machines that threw five spears at once, and bows that launched twenty arrows simultaneously. Alvin alone could have overtaken Hiccup in three strokes of a heartbeat on his massive royal sand-yacht with the cutting edges, poled by Gumboil and at least three others, and he had screwed the Stormblade into his arm-attachment, just in case. ‘Now…


’ hissed the witch. ‘No sudden movements, you little reptile, or we’ll blast you to Valhalla and back again… Show him, Gormless!’ Gormless let fly the spear-throwing machine, and Ching! Ching! Ching! Ching! Ching! Ching! Six spears buried themselves in a tight circle around The Hopeful Puffin 2. Hiccup gulped. ‘One spear would kill me, witch,’ said Hiccup. ‘You don’t need a hundred…
’ ‘Find us the Jewel!’ screamed Alvin the Treacherous.
