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The Island Chapter 12 Part 1(5)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 12 Part 1

“What took you so long? We’ve been waiting for almost 20 minutes here!” John said to Arthur. “Nothing, just took a while counting all things on the ship, let’s go. We still have a plane to catch this after noon.” Arthur said with smile, after some time, they arrived the airport. “Anything for consign?” The staff from airport asked Arthur. “No actually. We’ve been traveling light.” He answered. “Good, here’s your ticket.” Arthur took the ticket, he noticed there’s something different on the ticket. “I thought our flight was British Airlines.” Arthur said. “The schedule has changed, your flight have been endorsed. Don’t worry, there’s no extra money.” “Yeah, but what is this Kalulu Airlines? Never heard that before.” Arthur asked. “Its a new airline company in Indonesia, don’t worry, you will be home safety.” The stuff explained. After they passes the security checked. Owen came to Arthur: “Hey Arthur, does this ‘Kalulu Airlines’ rang any bell to you?” “I don’t know, but this name sounds... so familiar.” “Me too, brother. Sounds like it’s in the memory that I didn’t remember.” Owen confused. “Maybe you’re just tired after these days, Owen. Don’t give yourself too much pressure about it. Have a good rest on the plane.”Arthur said. “Flight A-012451, Flight A-012451, you may start boarding now in gate 13. Flight A-012451...” “Hey guys, that’s our plane!” John said while dragging his suitcase. When all’s set, Arthur and his friends sits on the seat. “Attention please, this is your captain speaking, my name is Kanuba, I’m the captain of flight A-012451. Estimating time should be 16 hours from Jakarta to London. To make sure your flying experience is as satisfied as possible, we arranged some entertainment on the plane’s TV, including some new documentaries and movies. Enjoy your flight, thank you for choosing ‘Kalulu Airlines’.” “Hum, Kanuba. I think I heard this name in somewhere...” Owen said to Arthur: “Funny, but in my imagination, the name sounds like a monster’s name to me.” “Tell me about it, I have the exact same felling! Maybe it was that monster movie we saw back on the campus?” Arthur said. “No, it was slender-men.” “Whatever, just don’t think about it. Have some rest, or maybe we can watch some movie.” “Sure, let me see what they got... scary section... “Red Weeds”... “Telepathy Stone”... Oh here’s a new one... “The Island!” Sounds good?” Owen asked. “Sure, let’s watch it.” The plane flew off the ground, the students are coming home.