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法外狂徒之执行者【English Version】I(大量英文慎入)(21)

“Bright light no wrong, shines on the ground so strong…”
“Sister, what’s Chief Hsiao singing?”
“Shush, No.33. That’s the song sung by Chief’s benefactor when he left. Don’t disturb him. Just let him sell, I mean, sing it.
Outside Bili Restaurant are the blue skies clearing up from a downpour. Every bit of the scenery looks exactly the same as that of years ago. The warm comforting sunshine pierces the clouds, covering the peaceful town in a pleasant golden shimmer. Yes, as the lyrics go, the bright light with no wrong is shining on this land, once, and future…

法外狂徒之执行者【English Version】I(大量英文慎入)

(To Be Continued…)
Crazitelly Hsiao:原文为“萧巅石”,谐音“小电视”。Crazi-即Crazy,取“巅”谐“癫”之意;-telly意为“电视”。
Bili Great Restaurant:哔哩楼。
The streets… party:原文为“无人的过道,空荡的店里,没有一丝生机,只有他一人,幻想着狂欢的party。”取自知名r(shi)a(lang)p(song)金句:“淡黄的长裙,蓬松的头发,拉着我的手看最新展出的油画。”

法外狂徒之执行者【English Version】I(大量英文慎入)
