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2023-05-16英国文学西班牙1937英国作家奥登 来源:百合文库
 To-morrow the bicycle races
 Through the suburbs on summer evenings: but to-day the struggle.
To-day the inevitable increase in the chances of death
 The conscious acceptance of guilt in the fact of murder; 
 To-day the expending of powers
 On the flat ephemeral pamphlet and the boring meeting.
To-day the makeshift consolations; the shared cigarette;


 The cards in the candle-lit barn and the scraping concert,
 The masculine jokes; to-day the
 Fumbled and unsatisfactory embrace before hurting.
The stars are dead; the animals will not look:
 We are left alone with our day, and the time is short and
 History to the defeated
 May say Alas but cannot help or pardon.
译文:穆旦(原名查良铮)(查良铮译)—穆旦(1918年-1977年),原名查良铮,中国现代主义诗人、翻译家,九叶诗派成员之一,祖籍浙江省海宁市袁花镇,出生于天津,毕业于美国芝加哥大学。 穆旦6岁即发表习作,青年开始诗歌创作,之后一直寄情于现代诗,联大毕业后,曾参加了中国远征军。国外深造回国后,担任南开大学外文系任副教授,文革中遭受迫害调图书馆工作。1977年穆旦因心脏病突发去世,享年59岁。他是金庸(查良镛)的堂兄。中文名:查良铮。别名:穆旦、梁真。出生地:天津。祖籍:浙江海宁。国籍:中国。职业:诗人,翻译家。毕业院校:清华大学,西南联大,芝加哥大学。代表作品:《探险队》、《穆旦诗集( 1939~1945)》、《旗》。主要成就:在《大公报》和《文聚》上发表诗作,人称“九叶诗人”。

