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2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
Our conversation drifted to the show because I had a doubt on my mind whenever I failed to be attracted to a hit show among younger viewers. Am I getting too old for this? Is this a sign of aging? I had to test it out on others. My friend’s blank expression upon hearing the reality show suggested that he had absolutely no idea what I was talking about either. So I asked him, “do you think it means I am out of date or this is REALLY a terrible show?”

我朋友毫不犹豫地回答,“肯定是你out了。” 我不服气,就跟他吐槽说节目很无聊、明明是选唱跳歌手出道,但是很多人唱也不行跳也不行,blahblahblah。。。结果朋友无语地反驳道,“这是娱乐节目,要的是流量和关注,又不是专业性。”
Without hesitation, he replied, “you are OUT!” This pissed me off. I started arguing about how many of the contestants do not even have the basic singing or dancing skills, to which my friend sneared and said, “it is entertainment which is never about professionalism, but popularity.”
