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Once more, Jaskier changes his mind. While choking on blood and desperation, Jaskier once believed knowing how Geralt felt about him was better than not.
“If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands.”
A sword in the gut would’ve been kinder.
Walking as if possessed by another, Jaskier finds the dwarves and writes down their account of the dragon encounter. If they notice a change in his attitude they don’t mention it – happy to exaggerate their part in the adventure.


Night falls, but Jaskier continues down the mountain without stopping. Something withered and fragile in his chest commands him to put as much distance between him and Geralt as possible. He stumbles and the sharp pain on his palm doesn’t register until he’s face to face with Yennefer.
“He doesn’t know you’re soulmates.”

