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Footnote Reference[参考资料]
1 John Dee—The World of an Elizabethan Magus; Peter J. French, Routledge and Kegan Paul: London 1972, p1 
Print Resources and Other Reading 
Private Diary of Dr. John Dee and The Catalogue of His Library of Manuscripts edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. F.R.S.; Hon. M.R.I.A.; printed for the Camden Society 1842; reprinted with permission of the Royal Society; Johnson Reprint Corp.: New York and London 1968John Dee—The World of an Elizabethan Magus by Peter J. French; Routledge and Kegan Paul: London 1972A True Relation of What Passed for Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits: To a General Alteration of most STATES and KINGDOMES in the World by Dr. John Dee; "Preface Confirming the Reality (as to the Point of Spirits) of This RELATION: and showing the several good uses that a Sober Christian may make of All" by Meric. Causubon, D.D.; Printed by D. Maxwell, for T. Garthwait, and fold at the Little North Door of S. Pauls, and by other Stationers: London 1659. Photographic Reproduction of the First Edition by Magickal Childe Publishing, Inc.: New York 1992, with Introduction to Missing Material by Clay Holden of The John Dee Society researches, 1992.The Rosicrucian Enlightenment by Frances A. Yates; Frogmore, St. Albans, Great Britain: Paladin Paperback 1975The Rosy Cross Unveiled by Christopher McIntosh; Antequarian Press Limited: Wellingborough, Northhamptonshire 1980The Knights Templar and Their Myth by Peter Partner; Destiny Books: Rochester, Vermont 1987, 1990Militia Christi by Adolf von Harnack; translated by David McInnes Gracie; Fortress Press 1981Born in Blood by John J. Robinson; M. Evans & Company: New York 1989Dungeon, Fire and Sword by John J. Robinson; M. Evans & Company: New York 1991Massacre at Montsegur by Zoe Oldenbourg 1959; translated from French by Peter Green; Dorset Press: New York 1961The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, translated from the Arabic by Dr. Everard 1650; photographic copy of the 1884 edition which was reset verbatim with the original of 1650; Wizards Bookshelf: Savage, Minnesota 1973The Virgin of the World of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, translated from the Arabic by Dr. Lewis Menard, in part by Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland 1867; Wizards Bookshelf, Savage, Minnesota 1977The Other Bible, edited by Willis Barnstone; Harper and Row: New York 1984The Gnostic Attitude by George Widengrem, 1907; translated by Birger A. Pearson; Inst. of Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara 1984The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels; Random House: New York 1979, 1981The Medieval Manichee by Steven Runciman; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, New York 1947, 1982Johannine Christology and the Early Church by T. Pollard; Cambridge University Press: London 1970The Johannine Circle--Origin of the Gospel of St. John by Oscar Cullman; translated from German by John Bowden; Westminster Press: Philadelphia 1976Contra Celsum, by Origen; translated by Henry Chadwick; Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge: New York 1953, 1965, Paperback 1980

