2022-08-10 来源:百合文库
魏理或许认为既然与朋友相聚,游历 京都,自然是心情明快的,所以淡化了原诗中底层文人与上层社 会生活反差,突显了朋友之间的情谊。"Yoking my chariot I urge my stubborn horses"。"驽"译成了"stubborn ",只表示马"difficult to deal with",而并不一定是劣马的意思,再一次淡化了诗人寒微的身份。 "In Lo Town how fine everything is"。郁郁,是形容京都的繁华,译 成"fine"则有"pleasing and enjoyable"之意,暗示了叙述者游历都城 时的轻松愉悦。本诗的最后两句"极宴娱心意,戚戚何所迫?"是没 有主语的,译成"By prolonging the feast let us keep our hearts gay,and leave no room for sadness to creep in.
"主语变成了叙述者再次强化了及 时行乐(carpe diem)的主题。而carpe diem,也是英语诗歌常见的主 题。最早在Horace的 Odes 1.11中就有这样的诗句:"Whether Jupiter has allotted you many more winters or this one,...be wise,be truthful, strain the wine, and scale back your long hopes to a short period...seize the day,trusting as little as possible in the next day."告诉人们:与其 沉溺于痛苦中,不如接受生活所赋予你的一切,享受生活,把握 今朝。Herrick在Corinna"s Going A-Maying中也写道:
"主语变成了叙述者再次强化了及 时行乐(carpe diem)的主题。而carpe diem,也是英语诗歌常见的主 题。最早在Horace的 Odes 1.11中就有这样的诗句:"Whether Jupiter has allotted you many more winters or this one,...be wise,be truthful, strain the wine, and scale back your long hopes to a short period...seize the day,trusting as little as possible in the next day."告诉人们:与其 沉溺于痛苦中,不如接受生活所赋予你的一切,享受生活,把握 今朝。Herrick在Corinna"s Going A-Maying中也写道: