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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(39)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
就在他告诉Signora“你没听到我说的狗屁”的两秒钟后,莫娜站了起来,一拳打在他的脸上,那是她的朋友,他不小心玩弄了她的感情,她的朋友相信他已经改变了,给了他一个机会,相信了 Ajax。她的朋友被他们变成了一个玩具,只是为了自己变态的娱乐,而他却笑了起来,好像这一切都是个笑话。
She’d tried to call, oh god she’d tried so hard, but none of her calls had gone through, she’d tried all weekend, but nothing, hoping that maybe she’d get to Lumine before anyone else on Monday, that way she could just tell her, she could reveal it gently, save her any unnecessary pain, but---

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

她试着给 Lumine 打电话,天啊,她真的试过了,但是一个电话都没有接通,她整个周末都在试,但是打不通。她希望也许她能在周一比其他人先找到 Lumine,这样她就可以告诉她,她可以温柔地说出来,避免她不必要的痛苦,但是——
“Nothing that won’t heal, darling.” Nothing was broken, it just hurt. While Lumine had long since taught her how to throw a punch, that didn’t mean she went around toughening up her knuckles to actually deliver one. “I don’t know what to do… what can one do in such a situation?” She felt so useless, nothing she could do would make Lumine feel better, Aether sharing that sense of uselessness and unrest.

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
