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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(40)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
“只是一些会好起来的伤,亲爱的。”哪里也没破,只是很疼。虽然 Lumine 早就教会了她如何出拳,但这并不意味着她会四处锻炼自己的指关节来真正地准备出拳。“我不知道该怎么办... ... 这种情况下,还能怎么办?”她觉得自己太没用了,做什么都不能让她好过一点,空也同样被那种无用和不安的感觉折磨着。
“I’ll have to go to his house soon, pick up her clothes, she doesn’t have anything here anymore…” a few pieces of underwear, nothing fancy and certainly nothing without holes in it, maybe a shirt or two, a pair of jeans that wouldn’t fit her anymore after she’d gained a healthy amount of weight from the food she’d been allowed to get her fill of… she needed her things. All of which were there. “Will you just…

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

“我得快速去一下他家,拿她的衣服,她在这里什么都没有了... ...”几件内衣,没什么花哨的款式,当然只剩下破洞的,可能还有一两件衬衫,一条不再适合她的牛仔裤,因为她已经从她可以吃的食物中增加了适量的体重... 她需要她的东西。而所有的东西都在那里。”你能不能... 留下来”
“You’d have to drag me out kicking and screaming to make me leave, and even then I would fight to get back in, I have my books and things here so I can still study while I keep her company… I’ll… call my parents too, I’m sure they’ll give you both food to tide you over.” He’d only been able to get the essentials, some eggs, a pack of pasta, a couple of tins of tuna, they had mayo in the cupboard still in date. It wasn’t much but he could make something filling with it at least.