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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(37)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
“No but… I’ll see if Xiao can help when he comes by after work.” Perhaps his stepmother would be generous, or Xiao himself would put just a little of his allowance towards a half decent second-hand mattress. Lumine would probably fight such a gift, especially now, she’d say they didn’t need it, that things were fine as they were but… they weren’t fine. Nothing about that apartment was fine. Aether hated being there, he’d always laughed and smiled through it, reassuring his sister that they were both perfectly happy there for the time they’d grown up in it, but…

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

he hated it there, and he hated the thought of his sister being stuck there now.
“买不起,不过... ... 魈下班后我问问能不能帮忙。”或许他的继母会很慷慨,或许他自己也会拿出一点零用钱,买一个不错的二手床垫。Lumine 可能会反对这种礼物,尤其是现在,她会说他们不需要它,一切都很好,但是... 它们并不好。那间公寓的一切都不好。空讨厌那里,他总是笑着面对这些,向他的妹妹保证,他们两个可以住在这里长大非常幸福,但是... 他讨厌那里,他讨厌他的妹妹现在被困在那里的事实。

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
