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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(35)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
”他走了”莫娜从 Lumine 的卧室走了出来,空离开了一会儿,尽力用冰箱里仅有的东西做点什么。几个星期都没人买东西了。在Ajax到来之前,他不得不从公寓楼下的商店里拿了一些东西,这样他才能为她做点什么。“也他妈的该走了。”
Lumine had cried herself to sleep ten minutes ago, exhausted, mentally, and emotionally drained, she’d cried herself to sleep atop her best friends lap, clinging to the fabric of her skirt in a grip so tight it’d nearly torn the fabric, and likely would have had it not been dampened by her tears.

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

Lumine 十分钟前哭着睡着了,身体精疲力尽,精神疲惫,情感枯竭,她哭着睡在她最好的朋友的膝盖上,紧紧地抓着裙子的布料,几乎撕裂了那块布料,如果不是她的眼泪把裙子弄湿了,她很可能真的会。
The blond placed the knife in hand down atop the cutting board, hands bracing atop the counterspace and just… breathed. He didn’t know what to say, what to think, what to do, because that reaction… what he’d seen in Ajax wasn’t the face of a man who’d been toying with his sister, had he been genuinely toying with her, he wouldn’t have wasted the petrol to chase after her. Would have simply laughed with his friends and continued about his day. He wouldn’t have turned up at the apartment, wouldn’t have waited outside for a whole hour after Aether had left him, wouldn’t have done any of that.Nothing about it made sense to him.