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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(22)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

最糟糕的是... 你当着她的面,当着所有人的面承认了这一点。你不是在保护她,Ajax,你是在保护你自己。”
“I didn’t I---I didn’t say that I just---”
“Yes, Ajax. You did.” Lumine had been sobbing about it for long enough, the elder twin had gotten enough of an idea as to what Signora had told her, and… well… it wasn’t good. He turned to look forward again, not trusting himself to keep his eyes on the ginger any longer. “She’s always hated people like you… people who don’t think about who they might hurt with their actions, that only care about the brief thrill they’ll get from doing something stupid. People who let their social lives consume them, people who break those around them who don’t meet up to their standards.”

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
