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Just a bet 第25章(下) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(3)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
她只能希望那个女孩会自愿过来。不然的话... ... 她至少知道体育馆在哪里。
Once upstairs, Ajax having slumped down at the side of his bed, not on it, on the floor beside it, his back against the side, his mother knelt down before him. “Okay, Malysh… what happened?” Her voice soft, attempting to soothe but it did nothing but make him feel worse. He didn’t deserve to be soothed, he didn’t deserve kindness, he’d done this. Sure, the bet had brought Lumine to him, had given him the chance to open his eyes and see the girl for him was literally right in front of him all along, but…

Just a bet 第25章(下) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

he should have just… told her.
一上楼,Ajax就瘫倒在床边,而不是床上,躺在床边的地板上,背靠着床边,他的母亲跪在他面前。“好了,亲爱的 ... 怎么回事?”她的声音很轻,试图安抚他,但是没有任何作用,反而让他感觉更糟。他不配得到安慰,他不配得到善意,他做了那些事。当然,那个赌让 Lumine 找到了他,让他有机会睁开眼睛,看到那个一直就在他面前的女孩,但是... 他本来应该告诉她的。
He should have told her after that first date, should have just… explained, and maybe they could have just gotten past it. Maybe if he’d have explained that it was originally a bet, but that… he liked her, and… really wanted to see where a relationship with her might go… would it have worked? Probably not, or maybe it would have, he had no way of knowing, he hadn’t given her the chance to make that decision.