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Just a bet 第25章(下) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(2)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
a broken Ajax was a dangerous Ajax.
冬妮娅不被允许呆在他的房间里。安娜等她一把茶端到他们面前,就轻轻地把最小的女儿赶出了房间,当然,她一开始是抱怨的,但是... ... 她还是离开了,犹豫地看了一眼她的大哥。他最近表现得很好,很快乐,充满活力... 看到他如此... 如此破碎的样子,既令人担忧又令人恐惧... 一个破碎的 Ajax 就是一个危险的 Ajax。
She knew that more than anyone, but she gave them the privacy her mother instructed of her, not even waiting outside of the room to try and listen through the door, wishing for the first time that she actually knew where Lumine actually lived, maybe… maybe she’d have been able to just go and talk to her if she knew. But she’d only been there once, and that was with Ajax driving…

Just a bet 第25章(下) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

any hope of finding it on her own was simply a fool’s errand.
她比任何人都清楚这一点,但她给了他们母亲要求她给的隐私,甚至没有在房间外面等着,试图从门外偷听,希望她能真正知道 Lumine 住处的确切地址,也许... 也许如果她知道的话,她可以去和她谈谈。但是她只去过那里一次,那是在 Ajax 开车的情况下... ... 任何想要自己找到它的希望都是徒劳的。
She just had to hope the girl would come by of her own volition. If not… well… she knew where the gym was at least.

Just a bet 第25章(下) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
