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星期三‖【Wednesday & Xavier】 在阴影里共舞吧 ——假期假想篇(3)

2024-06-14 来源:百合文库
 “Life is a game”(生活就是比赛)
“But that depends on who's standing on the same track as you, Wednesday. It was different then”又一次四目相视。(但那取决于你和谁比赛,这不一样)
“You don't care what people think of you, do you. And you obviously don't care what happens to the Adams.”( 你不在乎别人怎么看你,是吗?而且你显然不在乎亚当斯夫妇怎么样。)【我没有任何在意的人?】
“Where there is a shadow, there is not necessarily no light shining, but we only see the shadow,”(有阴影的地方也会有光照耀,但我们也许只看到了阴影)【幸好 我不怕黑】

星期三‖【Wednesday & Xavier】 在阴影里共舞吧

“I just want to say... Even shadows, mottled and shimmering, are beautiful, and sometimes what traps us is that we don't dare to look out into them, and we hate those who cast them. But not you, Wednesday. You never change. You see the world for yourself, even in the shadows”( 我只想说…即使是斑驳闪烁的影子,依然美丽,但有时限制我们的是不敢向外看,甚至厌恶那些投射它们的人。但你不是,星期三。你永远不会改变。你以自己的目光审视世界,即使在阴影里)

星期三‖【Wednesday & Xavier】 在阴影里共舞吧
