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星期三‖【Wednesday & Xavier】 在阴影里共舞吧 ——假期假想篇(5)

2024-06-14 来源:百合文库
“You never really cared about shadows, did you? Shadows make you want to win, didn't they?”(你不那么关注阴影,对吧?那会让你有胜负欲,不是吗?)
“Aren't you?”对面迟疑了一下
“Is the celebrity dad overshadowing the things you really love?”(名人老爸盖住你真正喜欢的东西了吗)
“How to say, we have in common.”(怎么说,这是共同点)
“thank you,Wednesday.”

星期三‖【Wednesday & Xavier】 在阴影里共舞吧

“Black roses are always fascinating, even though they are so fierce and grow on the edge of the cliff that even the shadows can't cover their unique, wild dance.”( 黑玫瑰总是迷人的,即使它们是剑拔弩张,生长在悬崖的边缘,即使阴影也掩盖不了它们自顾舞蹈。)
“That's very cultured, Mr. Stalker. Do you still want me to invite you?”(真有内涵。想让我再邀请你一次吗)
“Willing to oblig.”(乐于奉命)

星期三‖【Wednesday & Xavier】 在阴影里共舞吧
