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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1326-1328】【含本章说】(28)

2024-04-12 来源:百合文库
I can't recall what kind of negative influence existed within Bansy Bay. There should've been something there prior to the Red Angel evil spirit's trap, but it's been so long. Does anyone remember? Was it some kind of evil god? An Outer Deity?
I don’t think they ever figured out specifically what was up with Bansy other than the Red Angel’s trap. Considering that we didn’t know about Outer Deities at the time I would guess that it was because of one. I looked up the names of the Outer Deities (carefully to avoid accidental spoilers) and if it’s not caused by the Mother Goddess of Depravity or the Mother Tree of Desire who are known to be active I’d guess it has something to do with the Monarch of Decay based purely on the name. The was some weird undead type things going on if I remember correctly. Looking at the undead aspect of it though it could also have to do with the previous Death (Salinger I think his name was?). The Lights warned that he was still technically alive and was attempting to revive through the River of Eternal Darkness Sefirot so it’s possible that there was some of “His” influence there or maybe that’s where the River is located, like how the Chaos Sea is physically located at Chernobyl. Could also be a bit of both ideas and Salinger is corrupted by an Outer Deity and that’s the real reason he went mad in the first place.