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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1326-1328】【含本章说】(26)

2024-04-12 来源:百合文库
If Amon can do that what would stop him to establish that kinda faith while using a statue of Klein?
so will, mr azik n the others were also benefited from this.. aww 🥺🥺🥺 ..n then theres amon..
talking about anchors, not only fictional deity in this novel that need this, we irl humans need anchor to stay sane too lol, it could be fellow human, or our entertainments

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1326-1328】【含本章说】

I choose entertainment. Books, TV and Video Games ground my sanity. (Though I use the term “sanity” lightly)
I use puppy and kitties to anchor myself.
I don't remember where I read this, but we humans are a very social race, we need the feedback of others to remain sane. If you completely isolate yourself for a few months this will be enough to make you go crazy. And that's not a joke, you can say that you can isolate yourself in your room without talking to anyone for a year or something like that, but if you read books or watch something you will be using it as reference to stay sane. I think it even mention that even if you have a small group of around 10 persons, this won't be enough in the long term, I don't know if is true, but they said that competitive games are forbidden in space, but cooperative games like table RPG is very recommended.