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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️一章:赠予 Given(9)

For an hour I rested on my knees, I spoke as many of the litanies as I could, every catechism that came to mind, and yet… 
Beautiful wisteria eyes stared back at me from the depths of my own mind. Inhuman, Eldar eyes that made the words falter on my tongue, and stole my breath.
None of this was helped by the echo of a warm kiss on my forehead
“Frak it,” I stood sullenly and pulled the robe tighter around my chest, shivering as I realised just how chilly it had gotten.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️一章:赠予 Given

Clothes sounded excellent right about now.
I moved out of the cold washroom and into the main room, and paused a few steps in as my mouth grew dry.
Isarae was curled up on the long couch with her eyes closed, and her chest rising and falling in a slow measure of sleep.
And of course, she was still naked.
Slowly, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and for the second time in a rather short span I found myself deeply regretting that deep breath because the room smelled of her. It smelled of Isarae, which was a kind of clean, smoky scent, like the ashes of a campfire that had just gone out, and almost against my will, rather than move or leave, I stood still and I breathed again.