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【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第二章(4)

【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第二章

The war god’s laugh had been like an explosion, coming deep from within his gut. “Please,” he said, breathless with amusement. “As if I’d ever be threatened by you. You’re not exactly an apex predator in our circle.”
“What do you mean?” George didn’t know if the prickling sensation behind his eyes had been irritation at being underestimated, or bitter agreement.
“Trust me,” the war god said, stretching his arms over his head, as if preparing for a fight. He was always preparing for a fight. “You’ve been sleeping for years. You’re terrifying in your own right, but out here, with the rest of us? You’ll need a few decades of practice before you can go toe-to-toe with, say, the storm god, for example.”

【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第二章
