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2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
With the snakes, just for you(与蛇共舞,只因为你)
Oh I'm an animal, hand me a tramadol, give me the juice(原来我是一只动物,给我曲马多,减轻我的痛苦吧)
You are my citadel, you are my wishing well(虽然你是我的全部,能实现我所有的愿望)
But baby blue oh, oh, oh()但忧郁始终挥之不去)
I used to like liquor to get me inspired(我曾用酒精来让我逃离现实)
But you look so beautiful, my new supplier(但现在看来你更诱人,我新的依赖)
I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking(烟草曾助我摆脱思绪的缠绕)
But I found it different buzz,(但那早已失效)


The world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it(你若放任情绪不管可能会抑郁至死)
I know they got pills that can help you forget it(我知道他们有忘忧草)
They bottle it, call it medicine(并把它们制成药物装在瓶子里)
But I don't need drugs(但我不需要)
Cause I'm already high enough(因为我已经欲仙欲死了)
You got me, you got me good(你让我神魂颠倒)
I'm already high enough(让我魂不守舍)
I only, I only, I only got eyes for you(我只想,真的只想要你。)
【I've seen the world(阅遍繁华)……I know that you will(我深知你的爱经久绵长)】出自《Young and Beautiful》,是美国创作女歌手拉娜·德雷演唱的一首歌曲,歌词由拉娜和瑞克·诺威尔斯编写,这首歌作为电影《了不起的盖茨比》的配乐歌曲,被新视镜唱片公司发布于2013年4月22日,同时又于2013年5月7日被收录在电影原声带《The Great Gatsby:Music from Baz Luhrmann's Film》中被发行。

