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Chapter seven Biography of Zudi(6)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Chapter seven Biography of Zudi

Wang Director and Yu Liang later went to see Zu Ti and found many furs in his house. They asked him where they came from. Zu Ti didn't hide it either. He said bluntly, "I went to Nantang again last night." This is the origin of the allusion of Nantang. The original text is as follows:
"When Zu rode across the river, he was thrifty and had no good clothes to play in. The king and Yu Yu were in charge of their business. Suddenly, they saw robes and furs overlapping and precious ornaments lining the lines. The lords asked him, and the father said, "Last night, he went out of Nantang again." - Shi Shuo Xin Yu

Chapter seven Biography of Zudi
