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Chapter seven Biography of Zudi(28)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Chapter seven Biography of Zudi

Before Zu Ti's death, an evil star appeared in the Yuzhou area. Before that, Dai Yang, a warlock, predicted "Zu Yuzhou should die in September." After the star appeared, Chen Xun said, "This year, the general of the Northwest should die." Zu Ti also sighed: "The evil star should be on me. I wanted to invade and pacify Hebei, but heaven wanted to kill me. This is a bad sign for our country. "Zu Ti died soon after. It may not be credible to say that the sky should be celestial. Perhaps the natural phenomena were coincidental, and Zudhien was born in a time that believed in them.

Chapter seven Biography of Zudi
