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2024-03-26幽默段子 来源:百合文库
Mei Tuan guy: " it's ok not to talk."
me: "i know, but i wanna know how to earn more money."
Mei Tuan guy: "buddy, let me tell ya, the most important thing about delivering food is 顺利街。"
me: "哪条街?"
Mei Tuan guy: " 顺路就接,god, please take off that earphones or you are gonna be deaf."
me : "no no no, it's not a big deal. i still can hear things, that's fine. i think you're right. and really, delivering food needs some skills. as i always said to my family, not any handsome guy can earn money just with an electric bicycle. you know what i mean? "


Mei Tuan guy: "buddy, really handsome guy don't need an electric bicycle to earn money. "
me: " cooking speed is too slow. isn't it?"
Mei Tuan guy: "whatever, i gotta go or i'm gonna be late."
i looked the kitchen and said to him, "you really have delivered food for a year?"
Mei Tuan guy: "yeah, of course."

