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Biography of Liu Yu(10)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Biography of Liu Yu

In August, the court promoted Liu Yu to be General of Jianwu and held the post of governor of Xiapi. He was sent to lead the water force in pursuit of the rebels to Yuzhou and once again defeated Sun En, forcing him to flee south. In November, Liu Yu caught up with Sun En at Haiyan and, after a fierce battle, defeated him again. Since then, he had won three battles and won three victories, capturing tens of thousands of rebels. The rebel army suffered from his continuous blows, coupled with the difficulty of grain and grass supply, and the epidemic of plague in the army, resulting in more than half of the soldiers death, and the fighting force deteriorated rapidly. The rebels continued to retreat, withdrawing from Rivers to Linhai.

Biography of Liu Yu
