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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(3)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Liu Yu sent his troops ashore several times to attack the Wei army. As soon as he landed on the shore, the Wei army fled the shore. In order to defeat the harassment of the Wei army, Liu Yu ordered thousands of warriors, led by Dingo and Ningshuo general Zhu Chaoshi, to land on the north bank of the Yellow River, carrying strong bows and arrows, and marched in array. The Wei army immediately attacked..The Wei army commanded Changsunsong and thirty thousand cavalry to besiege the Jin army on all sides. The Jin army fought to the death, and General Ah Bogan of Wei was beheaded. The Wei army retreated and was pursued by the Jin army, capturing more than 1,000 men. In mid-April, Liu Yu advanced to Luoyang and, in order to prevent an attack by the Wei forces, stopped his army there for two months while he prepared for the defense of the rear. In July, Liu Yu comprehensively repelled the Wei army, and the whole of Henan was recaptured. Liu Yu then advanced to Shanncheng city.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

Liu Yu's forward Shen Tianzi led his army into Wugan and Tunqingni. In August, Liu Yu reached Tongguan, joined forces with the various branches, and adopted Wang Zhenxian's proposal. He ordered him to lead his army from the Yellow River to the Wei River and force Chang 'an. When the Qin army withdrew Yao Nan from Xiangcheng (east of present-day Dali in Shaanxi Province), Wang Zhenxian followed and pursued him. Yao Hong led his troops from Ba Shang to Shiqiao (northeast of Luomen, Chang 'an City) to join Yao Nan; general Yao Jiang from Zhenbei and Yao Nan joined forces to guard Jingshang (today's Gaoling in Shaanxi) and meet Wang Zhen's evil army. When Yao Zan, Duke of Dongping, learned that the Jin army was approaching Chang 'an, he led his army back from Dingcheng to Zheng Cheng (present Hua County, Shaanxi Province). Liu Yu's army then approached.