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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(2)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
At this time, the Northern Wei army garrisoned Hebei with a hundred thousand troops and harassed the Jin army with rangers. Liu Yu's army, though standing in a surprise array or using a big crossbow to fend off the Wei troops, was slow to advance. After reaching Tongguan from Luoyang, the evil army of Wangzhen was stopped by the defensive fortifications of the main forces of Later Qin. The grain route of Tandao Ji's army was also cut off by Yao Shao.. The Jin army was in a dangerous position for a while. Thanks to the help of the local people, the danger was saved. Wang and Tan asked Liu Yu for help, but Liu Yu had no time to spare because the Northern Wei army was holding him in check. March 8, emperor wu of song in general left to the important "rate to the chariot some forces in the Yellow River ferry Gao (now shandong northwest company), since the rate of force into the Yellow River;Wei Jun follows the Liu Yujun thousands of cavalry along the north shore of the Yellow River west, prevent jin on the north shore of the Yellow River to lu wei rashly, drift to the north of jin personnel, have been Wei Jun tackled.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2
