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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(10)

It’s strange, what you can get used to.
“Faster! A grot could hit you moving like that.”
Once I would have imagined training a human zealot to be beyond possibility.
Alessandra weathered my first hit, then ducked and wove around my next, her fists lashing out with punishing force a breath later and striking nothing but air. I smirked with each missed blow, and with each attack that I’d seen coming entire seconds before they’d been launched.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

“How,” Alessandra gasped, “are you…” she lashed combinations of spinning kicks out that soared over my head, “always so fast?”
In the moment when all of her weight was balanced on her left leg, I dropped low and snapped out a strike to the tendons of her knee. Her leg bowed and she crumpled with a squawk of alarm, dropping gracelessly onto the floor, sweating and panting as she rolled onto her back and stared sullenly up at the ceiling.
I stood over her and she glared up at me. Her pale hair was plastered to her face and neck, while sweat-soaked her sleeveless training top giving me quite a view as she heaved in breath after breath. As I held out my hand for her I could see her considering trying to attack me from the floor and trying her luck again.