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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(17)

“You were… born in the sewers,” Alessandra repeated, horror growing in her voice, “and then used as a whore and a gladiator?”
“Sometimes both at once,” I added with a smile that drew a sharp look from her.
“You forget that I do not necessarily disagree with your God-Emperor concerning my race’s extermination,” I pointed out. “I have no love of the Druchii, perhaps even less than your own kind considering how well I know them.”
Alessandra sighed quietly, but moved even closer than before. The scent of her sweat was strong about her, but I did not mind. 

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

Shamefully, I rather liked it.
“Do you have any family?” She asked after another moment.
I shook my head.
“I suppose we’re the same in that, at least,” Alessandra remarked in wan humor.
She sighed and relaxed more comfortably against me, and I let myself enjoy the way she conformed herself to me. Alessandra didn’t precisely melt against me, but her solid warmth was pleasantly soft and reassuring, and we sat together in companionable silence as the cycle ticked away, occasionally one would shift against the other as if to remind them of their presence.