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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二十二章:对策 Measures(18)

2024-03-26战斗修女战锤40k黑暗灵族战锤同人 来源:百合文库
//Submit to death.// The sister intoned.
Taking a deep breath, I steadied my hand, took aim again, and forced back my tears.
There was no prayer to the Emperor on my lips this time, just a name.
One name.
//Submit to the fate of all xenobreed who dare lay a single twisted limb upon the holy demesne of Him On Earth.//
The crosshairs of my scope were trained over her heart, and I refused to pray this time. I refused to lift a single word on high. This would be my sin, and I would bear it for the rest of my days.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二十二章:对策 Measures

I watched as Isarae gripped her razorflail, and I tensed my finger over the trigger. 
I watched as she raised it outward, her sharp, beautiful eyes never wavering as she met the gaze of the Sister Superior. I tried to fix that image in my mind, that fearless face with its wonderful eyes and sunrise hair.
I watched… as she let out a breath and dropped her weapon.
Even though I was too far distant to hear it strike the ground, I could still feel it echoing in my ears. The clatter of the segmented blades striking the stonework plaza was deafening to me even though I knew in the back of my mind that I could not possibly hear the sound itself.