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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】 Ennui 第二十九章:揭晓 Revealed(15)

“We are martyrs of the faith,” I said quietly. “This armour was laid to rest upon a statue of Saint Arabella, and it was Isarae, not I, who defended it, avenged the sisters of our Order who died protecting it, and then…” I turned away from the Sister Superior to regard Isarae fondly. She did not look up, but I felt her aura warm under my blind gaze. “Then she pulled our sisters’ bodies from the rubble, armour and all, and laid them in state beneath the gaze of Saint Arabella.”

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】 Ennui 第二十九章:揭晓 Revealed

“Lies,” the word was hissed venomously from the Sister Superior’s lips. “You lie.”
“She does not.”
The words boomed and even I nearly jumped in place. My sisters whose guns were still trained on us looked equally spooked as I saw a flash of indigo panic ripple across their collective auras the moment the up-til-then silent Astartes spoke. He had been so quiet and so circumspect, that I had almost forgotten he was there, although how his presence could have slipped my notice I cannot say.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】 Ennui 第二十九章:揭晓 Revealed
