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英文诗《Into the Autumn》(2)

2024-03-25 来源:百合文库
and has youthful hue of petals fade.
I do know not why thy tears always shed
Without ideas but to hazard a guess:
A lass, a sad one, or a moody faery?
For oft do thou bring thy peace to me.
But that peace not for long and ever
For I walk'd once in a hazy morn,
Watching thy works of a master:
That leaves detach from bald trunk,
freely roam, scatter round
Then lie still, as vigor's never possess'd.
Lingering between void and vitality

英文诗《Into the Autumn》

As transient as they deserve to be.
O, how ruthless thy mind!
bring them to life, and grind them to dust
How should I regard manner of thine?
Meaningless? For everything and everyone.
I understand by no means truth of thee;
It's in a way thou want, or taken naturally?
So many things at the mercy of destiny:
No longer shall I witness an empire falls
If I've witness'd its arisen;
No longer shall I on aboard
If Titanic's already sunken.

英文诗《Into the Autumn》
